Ms Vano Raveindiran  Whiterteeth Randwick Dental Randwick

Ms Vano Raveindiran

Oral Health Therapist

Ms Vano Raveindiran is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Tamil (as well as English).

Vano has a Bachelors degree in Science (UTS) and in Oral Health (USYD) and has extensive experience in dentistry, working in the public hospital, private clinics and at specialist Paediatric dental practice. Vano believes in evidence based practice, as a dual skilled dental therapist and dental hygienist, she treats patients of all ages and is constantly keeping up to date with the latest techniques by attending various courses and conferences. She is registered with the AHPRA Dental Board and is also a member of the Australian Dental Therapist Association.

Vano strives to create a positive and relaxing environment for her patients. Her friendly and gentle approach makes it a pleasurable experience, especially for those who are nervous or anxious.

Vano loves working with children and as a dental therapist, Vano is qualified to provide general dental treatment on patients up to the age of 18 years.