Dip.Dent.Hyg, Dental Hygienist
Ms Valeska Tilly is a female Dental Hygienist.
Valeska is dual trained as a Dental Therapist and Dental Hygienist. Valeska commenced her training in Dental Therapy in 1977 and also gained her Diploma of Dental Hygiene in 2003, both in Adelaide, South Australia.
Valeska’s extensive experience in the dental field includes general practice, specialist orthodontic practice, teaching dental courses and now as a part of the team at Canberra Prosthodontics. Supporting her patients to learn how to maintain good oral hygiene is Valeska’s focus. Working with the team at Canberra Prosthodontics, Valeska strives to provide the best dental hygiene service and advice possible, encouraging her patients to maintain their teeth and gums for life. She is also one of only six hygienists in Australia (and very few worldwide) who are members of the International Team for Implantology. She will never chide you about your brushing or flossing (but definitely give you some gentle encouragement!).