BOH (CSU), Oral Health Therapist
Ms Tessa L Hamblin is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Tessa Hamblin completed a Bachelor of Oral Health at Charles Sturt University Wagga Wagga, specialising in children’s dentistry and periodontal hygiene.
Tessa was born and raised in Narrandera and worked at Green Apple Dentistry as a dental assistant prior to and during her university studies. Tessa commenced treating patients at Green Apple Dentistry on completion of her studies and has built many long standing relationships and an easy rapport with many of our patients over her many years here.
Tessa has also volunteered her time to provide dental treatment for disadvantaged communities in Cambodia.
Tessa has a strong focus on the oral cavity and its connection with the whole body, increasing the overall health outcomes of her patients. She is committed to working with children and promoting good oral health practices from a young age.