BOH (Otago), Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist
Ms Prashiela P Shandil is a female Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist who speaks Hindi (as well as English).
Prashiela is dual qualified Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist (Oral Health Therapist). She was born and raised in New Zealand and graduated from The University of Otago in 2014 with a Bachelor of Oral Health.
Since graduating, Prashiela has lived and worked in Dubbo, originally relocating for a role with The Royal Flying Doctor Service. After her time with the RFDS, she has worked in both private and corporate practices. She has been working with Dr Dineen and Dr Antoniou for the past 3 years and joined the Wingewarra Dental team almost 6 months ago.
Prashiela is passionate about engaging peoples interest in oral health and ensuring they understand the connection between oral health and the rest of the body. This keen interest in oral health education has seen her create an oral health promotion program which continues to run 5 years on.