BOH (Adel), GCACP, MCT, Oral Health Therapist
Ms Michelle N Haddad is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Michelle Haddad believes that her role as Oral Health Therapist is to promote the Prevention of Oral Disease in a friendly, welcoming environment. Her approach is a professional, tailored service with a point of difference. Her personal passion for general wellness synergistically fuses a professional service with a wholistic finesse that aims to make your dental visit as pleasant as possible. With over 16 years of Private Practice Experience, 6 years of University Clinical Teaching & Founder of DentaMap (Tailored Professional Teeth Whitening) Michelle believes in quality of care, excellence in clinical practice and building long lasting relationships with patients and their families. Michelle holds roles as a Clinical Demonstrator & Examiner at the University of Melbourne Dental School.