DipDentHyg (Canada), Dental Hygienist
Ms Lesley L Turner Hall is a female Dental Hygienist.
Lesley joins our team with over 25 years of experience in dental hygiene. Originally from Canada, her gentle nature, empathetic and bubbly personality has made even the most nervous and anxious patient feel comfortable and safe in the chair. Lesley is not only passionate about improving the oral health of every patient she treats but she also loves educating them and giving them the tools to be able to care for their own teeth at home.
Lesley's particular interest is in periodontal health. She has treated patients with severe gum infection for the majority of her career and has helped many patients to save their teeth. She is delighted to offer our patients a definitive treatment of gum disease which was previously only available through specialist periodontal clinics; this includes care and treatment of your dental implants. Lesley treats patients from all over the Central Otago area and beyond.
Lesley has treated patients all over the world including Canada and Germany, with the majority of her time spent here in NZ. She honed her skills by specialising in periodontal treatment and offering non-surgical treatment on a daily basis. Treating gum disease in a pain-free manner and saving people's teeth have always been her passion.
Lesley also loves treating younger patients so that she can instil a desire for optimum oral health at an early age with a fun and inviting manner.