BOH (Newc), Dental Hygienist
Ms Lana Brown is a female Dental Hygienist.
If you haven’t seen Lana at our practice before, chances are you still may have met her while you’re out and about on the Central Coast.
This is because Lana is a true ‘Coastie’ who grew up in the local area and went to school here.
She first came to our practice for high school work experience in 1999 and continued on as a dental nurse. Then, when Lana completed her Bachelor of Oral Hygiene in 2008, she became the practice’s first hygienist.
Lana has always possessed a strong work ethic, which is demonstrated by the enthusiasm she has to not only treat and care for patients in the clinical setting, but to also teach upcoming Dental Assistants at TAFE.
Lana keeps up to date with current infection control standards and treatments for oral health, and we have appreciated her sharing her knowledge in this area for staff training days.
As a hygienist, Lana has a keen interest in the prevention and treatment of periodontal disease (gum disease).
Under the training and mentoring of the late Associate Prof Dr Braham Pearlman, Lana was taught to appreciate the benefits of high standards in clinical care and prevention, and her attention to detail ensures that patients are satisfied with the outcome.
Lana would love to visit her extended family in Italy, but first, she’s hoping to become fluent in Italian. In her free time, Lana is also learning sign language with her three sons and enjoys boating and fishing.