BOH (Newc), Dental Hygienist
Ms Kristy L Darken is a female Dental Hygienist.
Kristy graduated from the University of Newcastle in mid 2010 with a Bachelor of Oral Health. Prior to graduating. Kristy had 10 years experience as a dental assistant, working in general dental as well as with implant specialists. She is passionate about treating and educating patients who suffer higher than normal decay rates due to Xerostomia (dry mouth) conditions and diet related disease. She actively measures saliva flow rates (static and stimulated), pH levels and buffering capacity, as well as carries out a thorough diet analysis. Kristy is then able to implement measures that aim to change the oral environment so that decay rates are significantly reduced. Kristy grew up in Newcastle before moving to Townsville in July 2010 with her husband and 2 dogs. During her spare time Kristy enjoys fishing, camping, bike riding and reading.