Ms Janice  Okine Crookes & Jenkins Dental Rosalie

Ms Janice Okine

Oral Health Therapist

Ms Janice Okine is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Janice works with us on our busy Saturday mornings as an oral health therapist. Janice has over 25 years’ experience as an oral health therapist providing a range of treatments for children aged from a few months to eighteen years of age.

She brings a wealth of knowledge and experience in preventive dentistry and health promotion for all age groups, which fits into our philosophy of enabling and assisting the prevention of oral diseases.

In 1999, Janice graduated in the first group of dental therapists in Queensland who undertook an academic upgrade to gain additional knowledge and skills to be able to provide dental hygiene services for patients.

Janice also has a Graduate Diploma in Health Promotion from Queensland University of Technology. She has been involved in a number of community based health promotion programs with an emphasis on oral health.