Ms Hitashi  Sharma East Geelong Dental Practice East Geelong

Ms Hitashi Sharma

BHSc (Latrobe), Oral Health Therapist

Ms Hitashi Sharma is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Hindi and Punjabi (as well as English).

Hitashi is an Oral Health Therapist with an adult scope who graduated from La Trobe University. She holds a great passion for dentistry and specialises in routine preventative and restorative procedures within her scope for all ages.

Previously, Hitashi has been an Overseas trained Dentist where she gained valuable experience in various aspects of Dentistry. In Australia, as an OHT, she is proud to be able to practice the aspect of dentistry she loves the most – Oral disease prevention.

Hitashi takes pride in her cultural humility and believes in building empathetic and trusting relationships with her patients. She loves to educate her patients and works with them as a team to improve their oral health-related outcomes. Hitashi enjoys working with children as well as with adults and ensures holistic approach to her treatments, thus, providing tailored care to each patient.

Hitashi’s sound knowledge of Dental Therapy pairs up well with her compassion to improve compliance and promote good oral health behaviours in all age groups.