Ms Harmanvir  Kaur FirstBite Dental Practice Essendon North

Ms Harmanvir Kaur

BHSc (Latrobe), Oral Health Therapist

Ms Harmanvir Kaur is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Harmanvir is an Oral Health Therapist who graduated from La Trobe University in 2023. With extended adult scope, Harmanvir enjoys all aspects of dentistry including periodontal and restorative treatments.

With a strong passion for children’s dentistry, she is dedicated to making dental visits enjoyable and stress-free for young patients.

Beyond providing exceptional care with a gentle touch, she is also committed to educating people about oral health and focusing on prevention. By emphasising the importance of maintaining good oral hygiene from a young age, Harmanvir aims to help every patient build lifelong healthy habits and a positive attitude towards dental care.