Ms Fezeh G Saisan Bupa Dental - Cremorne Cremorne

Ms Fezeh G Saisan

BOH, Oral Health Therapist

Ms Fezeh G Saisan is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Farsi and Turkish (as well as English).

Fezeh completed a Bachelor of Oral Health in 2010, followed by Post Graduate Diploma in Dental Therapy at University of Newcastle NSW in 2011. Since finishing her studies she has worked in different practices. However Fezeh began her dental career as a Dental Nurse in 2000, working in both the private and public sectors. In fact, it was working within a large team of dental professionals at Westmead Dental Hospital that led Fezeh to undertake her studies as an Oral Health Therapist.

Her main goal is prevention, She is very passionate about her role as a Hygienist and Therapist, believing that she can help people enhance their quality of life through great oral health. She loves seeing the progress that her patients make over time as their awareness and appreciation of good oral health increases, equally enjoying treating adults and children.