Ms Elisha J Bonifacio Daly Smiles Are Us PARK HOLME

Ms Elisha J Bonifacio Daly

BOH (Adel), Oral Health Therapist

Ms Elisha J Bonifacio Daly is a female Oral Health Therapist who speaks Filipino and Tagalog (as well as English).

Elisha earned a Bachelor of Oral Health from the University of Adelaide in 2017. To stay abreast of the latest in dentistry, she is continually updating her knowledge. “Smiles Are Us Park Holme always has us connect with dental reps from various companies, so that we can keep up to date with new materials and methods.”

Elisha also gained a wealth of knowledge by working with many dentists and specialists over the years. “I can use that knowledge to give my patients the best treatment.”

She is part of the ADA, DHAA, Swiss Dental Academy and CAPP.