Ms Christine M Richards Brisbane Smile Boutique Spring Hill

Ms Christine M Richards

BAppHSc (Oral Health) (Qld), Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist

Ms Christine M Richards is a female Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist.

Christine Richards has been with our practice for 8 years, and has 12 years of experience as a Dental Hygienist and an Oral Health Therapist. Christine has had extensive experience with multiple teeth whitening systems over the last decade, as well as with the latest Zoom teeth whitening, and provides all of our in-office teeth whitening, as well as all of our preventive care for all of our patients.

Christine is trained in taking OPG x-rays (full mouth), as well as general dental x-rays. She is also a registered Dental Therapist, and can provide dentistry for children, from the ages of 4 to 17 years.

Christine is a graduate of the University of Queensland, and was a recipient of a University Medal.