Ms Christina L Pedreschi The Periodontists Applecross

Ms Christina L Pedreschi

Dental Therapist

Ms Christina L Pedreschi is a female Dental Therapist.

Christina Predreschi joins the team at Halls Head Dental Centre as a highly experienced and passionate dental hygienist. She completed her Associate Diploma of Dental Therapy at the School of Dental Therapy in Western Australia in 1979 and brings a wealth of knowledge to the practice.

Throughout her career, Christina has gained a plethora of knowledge working within both public and private, specialist, periodontal practice for many years.

She is also a passionate about educating future Hygienists’ and has also worked as a professional educator lecturing at Curtin University on a part time basis.

Although enjoying as aspects as her job, Christina particularly enjoys periodontal treatment as she loves seeing improvement in the oral health of her patients. She understands that overall wellness starts in the mouth and therefore stives to motivate her patients to prioritise and improve oral health.