Ms Chloe L Erasito Hallett Cove Dental Surgery Hallett Cove

Ms Chloe L Erasito

BOH (Adel),

Ms Chloe L Erasito is a female .

Chloe Erasito initially joined the team at Hallett Cove Dental as a dental assistant in 2008. Soon after, she developed a keen passion for dentistry which led her to pursue further studies and become an Oral Health Therapist (OHT).

Since graduating in 2015, she has been working alongside the Hallett Cove team as an OHT to ensure optimal care for all her patients, and greatly enjoys contributing to their overall health and wellness.

Chloe is passionate about motivating people to care about their teeth and mouth. Her goal is to build rapport with her patients, especially when they are nervous so that they feel comfortable enough to attend regularly. She loves to see the difference in her patient’s oral health from initial visits to continued regular visits.

While she always enjoys treating patients of all ages, her leading clinical interests are in paediatric dentistry where she can teach good oral hygiene techniques and habits to children and adolescence.