BAppHSc (Oral Health), Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist
Ms Cheree D Wheaton is a female Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist.
Cheree has been in the dental industry since 1996 and graduated as an Oral Health Therapist (paediatric and preventive) from the University of Queensland in 2000. She initially worked in private practice in Sydney and then returned home to Brisbane to start her family. Cheree has a strong preventive focus which she applies to all aspects of her life, especially dentistry. Her own personal experiences with mouth breathing, jaw pain, headaches as well as seeing her own children develop poor oral functional habits, led her on a journey towards studying Orofacial Myofunctional Therapy. Cheree is passionate about creating healthy life-long oral habits and function for both adults and children which compliments the philosophies at James Street Dentists. Cheree is currently the President of the Australian Association of Orofacial Myology and spends a good deal of her spare time furthering her knowledge so our patients can benefit.