Ms Chantelle J Nowicki Smiles Are Us PARK HOLME

Ms Chantelle J Nowicki

BOH (Adel), Oral Health Therapist

Ms Chantelle J Nowicki is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Chantelle graduated from the University of Adelaide in 2010 with a Bachelor of Oral Health. To stay abreast of the latest in the field, she regularly takes courses run by several dental societies.

She also has completed a local anaesthetics course and stainless steel crown course at the University of Melbourne. Recently, she’s enjoyed further education on laser safety, SnoreLase and laser aesthetics, MyoMunchee, TMJ dysfunction, dental photography, and orofacial myology. During extended leave in 2015, Chantelle set up and developed a hygiene department in a Sydney dental practice, returning to Smiles with a wealth of dental knowledge and experience and a husband.