BOH (Adel), Oral Health Therapist
Ms Cassandra F Cauchi is a female Oral Health Therapist.
“I wanted to become an OHT, as dentists played such an important role in my childhood. I was insecure about my smile, as it wasn’t perfectly aligned. The compassion my dentist showed, how he always tried to be nice and encourage me, inspired me to follow this career path.”
To prepare for her career, Cass earned a Bachelor of Oral Health from the University of Adelaide in 2020. She actively seeks and participates in various courses to help continue her professional development, including refining her knowledge in periodontics, orthodontics, and paediatric dentistry.
For Cass, the most rewarding aspect of her job is connecting with patients and getting to know them. “Building a professional connection whilst helping them with their dental needs is rewarding for me (and hopefully for them!).”