BOH (Melb), Oral Health Therapist
Ms Caitlin R Wilkie is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Caitlin is a registered Oral Health Therapist who completed a Bachelor of Oral Health at The University of Melbourne. Her schooling was undertaken in Kilmore and before undertaking her Bachelor degree she originally worked at Kilmore Dental & Specialist Centre as a dental assistant. Caitlin has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry which inspired her to create Accu White – a Dental Professional teeth whitening service located in Byron Bay. She organises regular trips back to Kilmore to provide whitening services to our community using the Phillips Zoom whitening system.
With over 10 years of experience in the dental healthcare space, Caitlin provides her patients with expert knowledge, quality treatment and endeavours to make her patients feel confident and comfortable with their smile. You can see some of her fantastic results on her Instagram page @accuwhite.