DDT, BOH (Adel), Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist
Ms Andrea M Boseley is a female Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist.
Andrea entered the industry in 1992 full of excitement about working in children’s dentistry. She is still as excited now about children’s dentistry and has loved working with the Perfect Smile family for 13 years now. Andrea first studied dental therapy in Melbourne and worked for state and federal government in Victoria and NSW and then in private practice in the UK and New Zealand. She returned to Australia to complete the Bachelor of oral health at Adelaide University in 2004.During her career she has held positions on committees for the professional associations. This has ensured she is at the forefront of the evolution of oral health therapists within dentistry. Andrea is always seeking knowledge, locally or globally to further her education and delivery of care to her patients and again returned to study at University of Melbourne completing the graduate certificate in Adult Scope in 2021.