BA (Hons) (Melb), BOH (Newc), Dental Hygienist
Ms Milly Roff is a female Dental Hygienist.
Milly Roff, has been a Dental Hygienist at Adawn since 2018. After graduating from the University of Newcastle with a Bachelor of Oral Health in 2008, Milly entered the field as a dental nurse and enjoyed it so much she became a dental hygienist. Always attentive to her patient’s comfort, Milly is particularly skilled at working with people who have phobias or special requirements.
With a background in general and cosmetic dentistry, Milly is passionate about professional development and teaches within the public dental system. In 2016, she received a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from the University of Melbourne, an endeavor that helps Milly approach dentistry with a broad, socially-minded perspective.