Mrs Leanne  Smith Vivid Dental Five Dock

Mrs Leanne Smith

Oral Health Therapist

Mrs Leanne Smith is a female Oral Health Therapist.

Leanne is our Oral Health Therapist (Dually qualified Dental Hygienist and Dental Therapist) at Vivid Dental and is working with the team on Monday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday. Leanne has been in the dental profession for over 13 years and is passionate about preventative dentistry and patient care. Leanne graduated from Newcastle University as a hygienist with distinction. She received the Deans Merit award and an award for her outstanding commitment to the dental profession. She then completed her Post Graduate Diploma in Dental Therapy with high results. Prior to becoming an Oral Health Therapist, Leanne was a senior dental assistant and completed the certificate III in Dental Assisting and certificate IV in Dental Radiography and Oral Health Education. She is a committee member of the Dental Hygiene Association (NSW) and organises continuing education seminars for hygienists. She regularly attends dental hygiene and therapy seminars to keep up-to-date with current information to provide our patients with the utmost in care.