Mr Lee A Carnevale Discount Dentures Joondalup

Mr Lee A Carnevale

Dental Prosthetist

Mr Lee A Carnevale is a male Dental Prosthetist.

Lee is our Senior Dental Prosthetist he has over 35 years of experience. Lee began his journey as a Dental technician at the Perth Dental Hospital in the city many years ago when he was just 16.

Over the years Lee has treated patients by providing a range of services. From partial and complete dentures for the easiest to the most complicated cases, one would encounter. He has established a reputation for excellence and is often referred to patients by other practitioners that find the case too challenging for them.

He provides assessment, treatment, management, and provision of removable dentures, partial dentures, flexible dentures, Implant-supported dentures, Sporting mouthguards, and much more.Lee works as part of the wider dental team alongside our incredible general dentists working closely as a team to ensure you get the Royal treatment that only Crown Holistic Dental can offer.

Combined we offer and manufacture Implant Retained Overdentures, Immediate Dentures Occlusal Splints, and Anti-Snoring Devices. All manufactured right here at our own in-house Laboratory.

Lee has researched allergy Free Denture materials, given the typically toxic nature of many dental labs he is always on the lookout for non-toxic and allergy Free products. Lee is proud to provide Low allergy Dentures and removable appliances along with traditional denture products. Under Lees care you can be secure in the knowledge that you are being looked after by a dental practitioner with the most comprehensive knowledge of advanced techniques, new materials, and the latest world trends in the field of dental prosthetics.

Lee is a friendly relaxed and confident provider, you will instantly warm to his calming chairside manner ensuring you a relaxed and positive experience from start to finish.Lee certainly exemplifies, True Smiles Shine from Within!