Mr Jon R Pride Hornsby Denture Clinic Hornsby

Mr Jon R Pride

Dental Prosthetist

Contact Mr Jon R Pride

Mr Jon R Pride is a male Dental Prosthetist.

Hi! my name is Jon and I graduated from Randwick TAFE with and Associate Diploma in Dental Technology in 1999. After 2 years of gaining experience throughout a diverse range of cases in the field of dental technology, I furthered my studies as a dental technician by upgrading my qualifications to a Diploma in Dental Technology. In 2004 I pursued my passion further by undertaking an Advanced Diploma in Dental prosthesis, graduating in July 2006 as a registered Dental Prosthetist. In doing so I also received the ‘Phil Harris Award’ for the best student overall.

My studies continue today constantly gaining knowledge in the field of dentures and more recently implant retained dentures. In 2009 I was involved in the education of Dental Prosthetics at Randwick TAFE as the assistant teacher for implant retained dentures.