Mr Colin R Duzevich Denture Professionals Rockingham

Mr Colin R Duzevich

Dental Prosthetist, Advanced Dental Technician, Dental Prosthetist

Mr Colin R Duzevich is a male Dental Prosthetist.

Denture Professinals is an Owner operated family business.  Colin Duzevich, has been operating since 1980. 

Colin is a member of OHPA, Dental Board of Australia Certified, Member of Australian Dental Prosthetists Association WA and Laboratory Credited with OHPA, BPS Clinician and Laboratory Certified.

At Denture Professionals we offer: New Dentures in just 3 appointments, Full and Parial Dentures, Custom Mouth Guards, Splints, Removable Dentures on Implants, Same Day Relines, Repairs and Denture Cleaning, 24 Hour Denture Repair Service, One Stop Shop for all your Cleaning and Maintenance Accesories.  BPS and ThermoSens Flexible Dentures with no wires.