BOH (CSU), Oral Health Therapist
Miss Hannah L Pryor is a female Oral Health Therapist.
Hannah was once a patient at The Dental Centre and returned to work with us after completing a bachelor of oral health at Charles Sturt University, in Wagga Wagga in 2018.
Whilst studying, Hannah worked as a dental assistant and was trained in Zoom whitening, and since joining The Dental Centre has expanded her clinical skill set greatly, undergoing training in 3D cone beam radiography, paediatric dental treatment, and orthodontic treatment. As an Oral Health Therapist, Hannah works closely with Dr Tom and Dr Lily to care for our paediatric patients, provide high quality hygiene and cosmetic services and is integral in providing Invisalign to our patients.
Hannah’s passion is in helping people improve their dental hygiene and creating confident smiles.