Dr Zilvia GY Cheng So Dental Chatswood Lemon Grove CHATSWOOD

Dr Zilvia GY Cheng

BSc, MND, DMD (Syd), General Dentist

Dr Zilvia GY Cheng is a female General Dentist who speaks Cantonese (as well as English).

Zilvia graduated with a Doctor of Dental Medicine from the University of Sydney, after completing a Bachelor of Science and Master in Nutrition and Dietetics. During her dental studies, Zilvia worked as a dental assistant at So Dental. She then went to Tamworth to practice as a dentist at a private clinic, before returning to join the So Dental team as a dentist.

Zilvia has a bubbly yet calming nature and is dedicated to delivering clinical excellence for her patients. She keeps herself busy with continued education and courses to stay updated with research and technological advances in dentistry. She enjoys all aspects of dentistry, with particular clinical interest in restorative dentistry, fixed prosthodontics and oral surgery.

Not only is Zilvia knowledgeable in dentistry, she also has a unique understanding of the impact of nutrition on your oral health as well as your general health.