BDS (Sri Lanka), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Surgical Dentistry) (Syd), DClinDent (Oral Surgery) (Syd), MRACDS, Specialist Oral Surgeon
Dr Ying Shi Chang is a female Specialist Oral Surgeon who speaks Sinhalese (as well as English).
Dr Ying Shi Chang is passionate about patient-centric care and our patients love her warm and comforting nature. Dr Ying Shi believes in and is committed to open and honest communication, and collaborating with our patients, their carers, and other health practitioners to provide personalised, evidence-based care. Dr Ying Shi is a board registered Specialist Oral Surgeon, having obtained her specialist qualifications from the University of Sydney. Along with her private practice, Dr Chang works for NSW Health as an Oral Surgeon at the Nepean Centre for Oral Health. She has also previously held positions at the Sydney Dental Hospital, Westmead Centre for Oral Health, Orange Base Hospital, Dubbo Oral Health Clinic, Royal North Shore Hospital, and Charles Sturt University Clinics. Dr Ying Shi is also passionate about giving back to the dental profession by educating, training and mentoring future dentists and surgeons. For the past 10 years she has been involved in the oral surgery teaching programmes at both Charles Sturt University and the University of Sydney, and she is currently a Lecturer in Oral Surgery at the University of Sydney (School of Dentistry).