BDS (Otago), MMSc (PM), DClinDent (Perio) (Griffith), Specialist Periodontist
Dr Lizzy Hui is a female Specialist Periodontist who speaks Cantonese and Mandarin (as well as English).
Born in Hong Kong, Lizzy moved to New Zealand at the age of 17 after the completion of her HKCEE public exam. Having completed her final year of High School in Tauranga, New Zealand with scholarships from the government under her belt, she went to the University of Otago, Dunedin to embrace the cold and began her journey of Dentistry. Five years later she graduated as a dentist with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery and moved to NSW, Australia.
Dr Lizzy Hui has then built up her clinical experience via a vast background of working in both metropolitan and regional private practices across NSW and WA, including areas of the Blue Mountains (Lithgow), Mid-North Coast (Kempsey), Kingsford, Eastwood, Burwood, Donnybrook etc. Furthermore, Lizzy managed to enrol herself and completed a Master of Medical Science in Pain Management from the University of Sydney under the radar of her already busy full-time work. In 2014, Lizzy has found a lovely community in Thirroul, Wollongong and decided to settle in by opening up her own general dental practice. Her genuinely caring nature has charmed Thirroul and quickly received support from the local families, the practice has grown successfully under her care.
An important time point of her career path is when Dr. Lizzy Hui decided to take her profession to a higher level and pursue further Specialty training in Periodontics and Implantology. Without hesitance, Dr. Hui sold her practice although she stayed on to care for the practice for quite some time until it was taken over by trusted hands. On the 13th January, 2017, Lizzy moved to the Gold Coast and accepted the offer of a full-time Periodontics Program by the Griffith University. She has also commenced part-time work in practices at Robina, Gold Coast and Indooroopilly, Brisbane. Moreover, Dr. Hui has been teaching as a clinical supervisor for the dental program at the Griffith University, preparing the new generation of dentist joining the profession.