Dr Vincent PC Liew WLM Periodontics and Dental Implants Bondi Junction

Dr Vincent PC Liew

BDSc (Qld), MDSc (Qld), FRACDS, Specialist Periodontist

Dr Vincent PC Liew is a male Specialist Periodontist.

Vincent Liew has been a specialist periodontist in Sydney since 1991.

Dr Liew works with all aspects of periodontal therapy with an emphasis on dental implants and root coverage procedures.

He is a past president of the NSW branch of the Australian Society of Periodontology, and has been an honorary specialist clinical associate at the University of Sydney teaching at undergraduate and postgraduate levels.

Dr Liew is a Fellow of the ITI and is a local ITI Study Club director. He has been a surgical mentor and lecturer for the Graduate Diploma in Oral Implants for University of Sydney, and lectured for the Graduate Program in Oral Implants at Charles Sturt University. Dr Liew has lectured regularly for the Straumann Lecture Program, and also lectured for the Nobel and Biomet-3i implant companies.