Dr Grace Nguyen Manly West Dental Centre Manly West

Dr Grace Nguyen

BDS (Otago), GDClinDent (Melb), FRACDS, General Dentist

Dr Grace Nguyen is a female General Dentist who speaks Vietnamese (as well as English).

Grace graduated as a dentist from the University of Otago, New Zealand in 1999. She did extensive post graduate training in crowns, bridges and implant dentistry at Melbourne University from 2004-2006. Grace has practised dentistry in Brisbane, Central Queensland and Melbourne since 2000. She has a wide range of experiences, having worked in a variety of dental settings including Private practices, Government dental clinics, School dental services, Nursing homes, Australian Army, and Royal Melbourne Dental hospital. Grace has been teaching undergraduate dental students since 2004, first at the University of Melbourne and now at the University of Queensland.

As a recognition of her clinical expertise and knowledge, Grace was inducted as a Fellow by examination to the prestigious Royal Australasian College of Dental surgeons. Grace has a strong commitment to continuing education, and regularly attends advanced courses to maintain her own expertise in dentistry.

Grace was born in South Vietnam, has lived in Malaysia, New Zealand and settled in Australia since 2000, she is now a Manly West local resident. She is friendly, her gentle and caring nature puts patients feel at ease.