Dr Timothy M Smith Endodontic Group Robina

Dr Timothy M Smith

BDS (Adel), MDSc (Endo) (Qld), MRACDS (Endo), Specialist Endodontist

Dr Timothy M Smith is a male Specialist Endodontist.

Dr Timothy Smith graduated from the University of Adelaide in 1985 and commenced work as an officer in the Australian Regular Army. His service included several postings around Australia, command of dental units and involvement in a humanitarian relief operation in Northern Iraq following the first Gulf War. Tim completed his Masters degree in Endodontology at the University of Queensland in 1995, joined the Endodontic Group in 1999 and has been a registered endodontist for more than 25 years. A former president of the Queensland Branch of the Australian Society of Endodontology, Tim regularly lectures and runs continuing education courses for students and graduates in the profession.