BDS (Syd), Grad.Cert.Dent (Adel), FICD, FADI, FPFA, General Dentist
Dr Timothy W McAnulty is a male General Dentist.
Dr Tim McAnulty completed Dentistry at Sydney University graduating with Honours in 1977 and in 1978 commenced practice as an assistant dentist in Nyngan on the Central Western Plains of NSW. Over the following two years he provided dental services in both Nyngan and Cobar before concentrating on the Nyngan practice full-time after purchasing it in 1980.
During the 1980s and early 1990s he also worked part-time for NSW Health providing Dental Services for school aged children at the Nyngan Public School Dental Clinic. In 2004, he completed the Graduate Certificate in Dentistry from Adelaide University and in the same year he and his family moved to Orange as partner with Dr Arthur Mills and then as sole Practice Principal. Since his move to Orange, Tim has held the positions of Clinical Lecturer Faculty of Dentistry, University of Sydney and Clinical Tutor School of Dentistry, Charles Sturt University at various times.
Tim has been a member of ADA NSW since graduation and is currently serving as a Director on the ADA NSW Board, and has been a Councillor since 2016. He has been an active member of the ADA NSW Western Division having held the position of Secretary and has just completed his time as Chair of the Division. He also serves on several ADA NSW Committees.
Tim is is a fellow of the International College of Dentists, the Pierre Fauchard Academy and the Academy of Dentistry International.