Dr Tharani R De Silva Kedron Dental Centre Kedron

Dr Tharani R De Silva

BDS (Otago), General Dentist

Dr Tharani R De Silva is a female General Dentist.

Dr Tharani De Silva grew up in Auckland, New Zealand for most of her childhood and attended the prestigious University of Otago in Dunedin for dentistry. In 2009 she completed her degree and worked solely in private practices in Auckland before crossing the ditch to a sunnier part of the world – beautiful Brisbane. She worked for Queensland Health and a number of private practices before landing a position as an associate dentist at Kedron Dental Centre in July 2012. She has been with the practice for nearly 7 years when she was offered the wonderful opportunity to purchase it. Married with two young children and a busy career, she was ready for another challenge and so embarked on becoming the Principle Dentist and business owner in April 2019. Since graduating, Tharani has completed many hours of professional development in Australia and abroad, to ensure that her patients are receiving the best care backed up with the most up-to date evidence-based treatment available. She has a special interest in cosmetic dentistry, orthodontics and full mouth rehabilitations in porcelain. Tharani loves adventures, whether it is travelling overseas to faraway lands, learning a new language so it can be used in her travels or taking up a cooking class to host dinner parties – everything she embarks on is done with love and commitment. Naturally this spills over into the love and precision she has for her patients and her dentistry. She takes her time to perfect her work and puts you at ease from the moment you meet her. Her gentle yet thorough approach is what wins you over and why she is a favourite dentist in Kedron.