BDS (Syd), MDSc (Syd), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Stephen L Duncan is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Stephen Duncan is one of our most experienced Partners with over 25 years working as a Specialist Orthodontist.
Stephen has a well-recognised commitment to excellence. He believes in providing each patient with the best functional and aesthetic outcome possible. Since completing his specialist training in 1991 he has also tutored and lectured in the Post-Graduate (Doctorate) Orthodontic training programme at Sydney University and 2017 will represent his 26th consecutive year in doing so. This commitment to ongoing teaching and education has allowed him to remain at the forefront of all orthodontic advances in both technique and materials which benefits all his patients.
His breadth of knowledge and experience allows him to manage all patient requirements from interceptive early orthodontic treatment for young children to the most complex adult orthodontic treatment.
Stephen’s emphasis at the initial consultation is to provide each patient or parent with clear and accurate information which allows the best possible informed consent decision to be made regarding their own or their child’s orthodontic treatment.
Stephen holds the academic positions of Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Sydney and Adjunct Senior Lecturer at Charles Sturt University. He is also President of the Sydney Orthodontic Alumni and a Past President of the Australian Society of Orthodontists (NSW Branch).
Stephen has been invited to act as an examiner for The University of Sydney, Charles Sturt University and The Australasian College of Dentists. He lectures to both Specialist and Non-Specialist Dental Societies and is also involved in the provision of lectures for the University of Sydney Continuing Education Programme in Dentistry.