Dr Stephen P Daniels Beerwah Dental Beerwah

Dr Stephen P Daniels

BDSc (Qld), General Dentist

Dr Stephen P Daniels is a male General Dentist.

Stephen was born in Liverpool UK but was brought up in Australia from the age of 7. Formative years mostly in Brisbane, with his degree in dentistry being obtained in 1982 from UQ at St Lucia. His career saw him working in School Dental Service north Queensland, then private practice in Bundaberg and Moura, where he met his wife Julie. They and their 2 young daughters moved to Beerwah over 20 years ago.

During his career, Stephen has had some wonderful mentors and has seen some huge advances in the profession, which continues to evolve to this day. Stephen is a firm believer in teamwork within dentistry and also with the allied health professionals who we deal with on a regular basis. No matter what aspect of treatment he discusses, Stephen endeavours to offer options where at all possible.