BDS, MSc (Western Cape), DClinDent (Paediatrics), PhD, Specialist Paediatric Dentist
Dr Sobia Zafar is a female Specialist Paediatric Dentist who speaks Hindi and Urdu (as well as English).
Dr Sobia Zafar is a specialist paediatric dentist and a Discipline Lead in Paediatric Dentistry at The University of Queensland. She completed a Bachelor of Dentistry in 2002 with distinctions. Dr Zafar attained her Masters’ degree from the University of the Western Cape (South Africa) and subsequently a DClinDent and a PhD degree from the University of Otago, New Zealand.
She is the recipient of several scholarships and awards including the University of Otago Doctoral scholarship, Colgate senior category IADR ANZ division award (2012), best student presenter prize at the Faculty of Dentistry annual research day of University of Otago (2012, 2015), winner IADR NZ division Travel Award (2015). She has recently awarded the “Commendation for Substantive Contribution to Student Learning Award” by The University of Queensland.
She has over 30 publications, comprising of full papers, a book chapter and published abstracts, in both national and international peer-review journals. Dr Zafar has supervised many DMD, BDSc (Hons) research projects, MPhil, DClinDent and PhD students. She obtained over AUD 75,000 as research grants for her research projects. She holds the memberships of the ANZSPD, IADR, AAPD, and EAPD, and is a reviewer for several dental journals including the International Journal of Paediatric Dentistry.