BDS (Syd), FCS RCS (England), Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent (Sedation & Pain) (Syd), General Dentist
Dr Simon J Briggs is a male General Dentist.
I graduated with my BDS (Syd) in 1997 worked in the maxillo-facial department of three prominent hospitals in London and Wales. I returned to Sydney with my Fellowship from the Royal College of Surgeons (FDS RCS) London, and began teaching and working at Westmead Hospital, Sydney. I obtained my Diploma of Clinical Dentistry in Intravenous Sedation and Pain Control in 2000 and began servicing several practices in the Sydney area with dental surgery, IV Sedation, dental implant procedures, and bone regenerative procedures. Today, I have become a mentor in implant techniques for several colleagues and practices, placing well over 350 implants per year. As well, I am highly trained in Dento-Facial Aesthetics and provide patients with various options of treatments including relaxant injections, Dermal Fillers, and aesthetic therapies. I am a member of the Australasian Academy of Dento-Facial Aesthetics and the Australian Dental Association.