BDSc (Hons) (Qld), General Dentist
Dr Ester Cheang is a female General Dentist who speaks Mandarin (as well as English).
Joining the team in early 2019, Dr Ester Cheang is a talented young dentist with a love for paediatric dentistry, aesthetic dentistry, and Prosthodontics. Ester believes in getting to know her patients as individuals to better work alongside them to achieve better oral health outcomes.
Dr Cheang fell in love with Tasmania in whilst on placement in Hobart. She graduated from the University of Queensland with a Bachelor of Dental Science (Honours) in 2016 and moved to Launceston to practice.
Ester’s passion for prosthodontics has her seeking every opportunity to learn more about the field. She plans to enrol in King’s College, London’s MClinDent (restorative dentistry) course in the future. Ester also relishes every chance to learn from her peers and is constantly looking for new courses or conferences to attend.