Dr Shruti  Kulhalli Millennium Dental Mosman Mosman

Dr Shruti Kulhalli

BDS (Adel), General Dentist

Dr Shruti Kulhalli is a female General Dentist.

Since graduating with a Bachelor of Dental Surgery from the University of Adelaide, Dr Shruti Kulhalli has worked in Sydney and Adelaide, both as a dentist and as a university clinical tutor. Dr Shruti brings extensive range of experience to our practice and strives for perfection when treating each and every one of her patients, always tailoring her approach to an individual’s needs. Her warm and friendly manner ensures a comfortable, personal experience for each patient. Always seeking to stay up-to-date with the ever-evolving world of dentistry, she regularly attends dental conferences and courses all around Australia. With a keen interest in both cosmetic and complex restorative dentistry. As a mum of 2 young kids, Dr Shruti is especially passionate about the need for great paediatric dentistry.

Dr Shruti particularly enjoys the interpersonal and artistic aspects of dentistry. She loves being able to meet and to get to know different people each day and nothing gives her greater pleasure than using her skills and experience to help people gain optimal dental health and a beautiful smile. She also firmly believes that health is holistic, and when planning treatment, and always considers her patient’s general physical health and their well-being with the knowledge that these can have an important influence on oral health.