Dr Sheyda  Almasloo EasyCare Family Dental Tingalpa

Dr Sheyda Almasloo

BOH (DentSci), MDent (Griffith), General Dentist

Dr Sheyda Almasloo is a female General Dentist who speaks Farsi and Turkish (as well as English).

Dr Sheyda is a graduate of Griffith University’s dental school, earning a Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science (B.Oral H.(D.Sc.) and a Master in Dentistry. Dr Sheyda received academic excellence awards at Griffith for her involvement in dental research projects.

Due to her multicultural heritage, she can speak and understand Farsi and Turkish.

She truly loves her job and is committed to delivering the very best standard of dental care.

Her patients describe her as friendly and very easy to talk to, and Sheyda’s calming nature and clear explanations of treatment options helps kids have a great experience at the dentist.