BDSc (Hons) (WA), MDSc (Ortho) (WA), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Shelley A Greenway is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Shelley Greenway is a graduate of the University of Western Australia where she obtained her BDSc with First Class Honours. She worked for 9 years as a general dentist in both private practice and the public sector before returning to UWA study for, and receive her MDSc in Orthodontics. She has been a registered specialist Orthodontist for over 30 years.
Dr Greenway is still actively involved in teaching both at the Postgraduate level at the University of WA and at the Undergraduate level at Curtin University with the Dental Therapy students.
As a highly active member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists she has served several terms on the executive committee of the Western Australian branch including two terms as President.
Other societies and committees that Dr Greenway has been involved with include the Australian Dental Association where she has previously sat on council, the Continuing Education in Dentistry committee, the Dental Specialist Society, the ANZPDS and more recently as congress chairperson for the 28th ASO congress.