BDSc (Hons) (Qld), MDSc (Qld), FRACDS, FADI, Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Shari A Prove is a female Specialist Orthodontist.
Shari has been making ethos patients smile for over 14 years. She loves getting to know patients and their families during treatment and seeing their delight when their new smile is revealed. She takes great pride in the quality of her results and loves seeing their delight when their new smile is revealed.
Shari graduated with first class honours in Dental Science from the University of Queensland in 1990. She worked in a busy private dental practice in Brisbane for a number of years before deciding to return to postgraduate study to specialise in orthodontics.
Like the other ethos orthodontists, Shari travels to orthodontic conferences overseas to learn about new products and procedures as well as participating in local study groups.