BOH (DentSci), Grad.Dip.Dent (Griffith), General Dentist
Dr Sara R Tabrizi is a female General Dentist who speaks Farsi, Persian and Romanian (as well as English).
Dentistry is Dr Sara’s first passion. Equipped with over 10 years of experience, She is committed to a patient centered experience. Sara has a warm and enthusiastic nature and is proud to help patients feel comfortable, relaxed and in control.
Her attention to detail and kindness provides a safe environment for many of our anxious patients.
As principal dentist and owner of Hello Smiles, she is highly skilled in all facets of Dentistry but is most enthusiastic about the overall health and wellbeing of her patients and helping them achieve a smile that both feels good and looks good.
In designing and creating Hello Smiles, central to all considerations was the patient experience. Seeking to create a warm, positive dental environment where patients could feel relaxed, in-control of their dental health and look forward to coming to the dentist.
Many of Sara’s patients have been with her for many years and she now has the pleasure of treating their spouse’s and partners, children, parents and friends. One of her greatest achievements has been watching her younger patients grow (sometimes taller than her) and learn to be proactive in their dental care and have a positive attitude to visiting the dentist whilst maintaining their oral health.
Dr Sara is a firm believer of using the best quality products and surrounds herself with the most proficient peer group of specialists and technicians to ensure the superior outcomes in all facets of dentistry.
Sara is a graduate of Griffith University’s dental school, earning dual degrees of Bachelor of Oral Health in Dental Science (B.Oral H.(D.Sc.) and a Graduate Diploma in Dentistry (G.Dip.Dent). Sara received academic excellence awards throughout her years at Griffith and was part of a team involved in a dental research project in Vanuatu in 2007.
Upon graduation, she has undertaken numerous education courses in many aspects of dentistry. Dental implants, Temporomandibular joint dysfunction, Paediatric dentistry, Endodontics, Sleep dentistry, Dento-facial aesthetics and many more. Sara has particular interest in Cosmetic dentistry and rehabilitations to create beautiful and functional smiles.
As part of the journey of her passion for helping patients achieve the best possible long-term outcomes for the oral health, since graduating, Dr Sara has successfully completed a Graduate Diploma in Oral Implants from Sydney University (Grad.Dip.Clin.Dent. (Oral Implants)). During such time, experiencing the privilege of being mentored by Brisbane based specialists in prosthodontics and maxillofacial surgery to enhance her skill and knowledge base.
Over the years, Dr Sara has been active in the dental community and has participated in numerous societies as a commitment to the continued learning of herself and her peers. Of note, she is a current member of the Australian Prosthodontic Society Queensland (APSQ), a Member of the Australia Dental Association (ADA) and a past president and current member of Brisbane Dental Study Club (BSDC) since 2009. Dr Sara was also heavily involved with Australasian Osseointegration Society (AOS) being secretary on their committee for 3 years.