Dr Sal Shahidi Sydney Perio Sydney

Dr Sal Shahidi

BMedSc, BDent (Hons) (Syd), DClinDent (Perio), FRACDS, Specialist Periodontist

Dr Sal Shahidi is a male Specialist Periodontist who speaks Persian (as well as English).

Dr Sal Shahidi obtained a Bachelor of Medical Science, from the University of Sydney in 2002 prior to completing a Bachelor of Dentistry with Honours in 2006. In 2010 he was admitted as a Fellow of the prestigious Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons (FRACDS).

He has worked in private general practice as well as a part time clinical tutor at the University of Sydney.

Dr Shahidi's dental philosophy is based on ethical and appropriate treatment with his attention to detail providing an advanced level of care for all of his patients.