Dr Rupesh  Kc Casula Dental Practice Casula

Dr Rupesh Kc

BDS, FAGE, General Dentist

Dr Rupesh Kc is a male General Dentist who speaks Hindi and Nepali (as well as English).

Dr Rupesh who speaks English, Nepali and Hindi is very friendly, honest and hardworking person. He will always take time to listen to his patient’s concerns to ensure that he understands each individual’s differences. Patients who are anxious about dental treatment often leave with changed perceptions about dentistry after their positive experience from Rupesh’s treatment. Dr Rupesh has been providing general and complex dental treatments for all his patients for well over 15 years.

Dr Rupesh has special interests in root canal treatment and implant dentistry. He regularly attends both national and international conferences to keep himself upto date with the latest developments in dentistry.