BDSc (WA), BScDent (Hons) (WA), MDSc (Connecticut), Cert.Ortho (Connecticut), Specialist Orthodontist
Dr Roy Goonewardene is a male Specialist Orthodontist.
Dr Roy Goonewardene completed his Bachelor of Dental Science from the University of Western Australia. Whilst working as a practicing dentist he completed a Bachelor of Science in Dentistry with Honours. He undertook his specialist orthodontic training in the United States at one of the pre-eminent orthodontic departments at the University of Connecticut under Professor Ravindra Nanda and Professor Charles Burstone, obtaining a Certificate in Orthodontics and a Master of Dental Science degree. Prior to his time in the USA, he completed a short term postgraduate orthodontic residency in Aarhus, Denmark at the Aarhus University.
Dr Goonewardene is an active member of the Australian Society of Orthodontists, the American Association of Orthodontists and the Australian Dental Association. He has completed research involving new techniques in the field as well as evaluating the stability of orthognathic procedures with special interest in the area of orthodontics and surgery. He practises orthodontics in Perth at our Booragoon and Subiaco clinics.