Dr Ross A Bailey Peel Dental Studio Mandurah

Dr Ross A Bailey

BDSc (WA), General Dentist

Dr Ross A Bailey is a male General Dentist.

Dr Ross Bailey graduated with his Bachelor of Dental Science degree from the University of Western Australia, in 1980. He relocated to Port Hedland and worked in a mobile government clinic servicing a wide area of the Pilbara. Dr Bailey held this position for 4 years and in this time gleaned a wealth of experience as a young dentist.

In 1985, Dr Bailey moved to Mandurah with his wife Daphne and purchased an established practice from a retiring dentist. After 2 years the Peel Dental Studio (Pinjarra Road Dental Clinic Mandurah) was moved to the building we are situated in now.

In the past 30 years, there has been a great deal of change in practice. It has grown from Dr Bailey working six days a week by himself, to a team dentists providing a highly professional service to the growing population of Mandurah.

Dr Bailey has a strong belief in ongoing education for himself and his staff and is open to new ideas and change. This has seen the practice acquire state of the art equipment and proficiency in operation.

Dr Bailey has always seen a need to provide treatment through the State Government Country Patients Dental Subsidy Scheme and the Department of Veterans’ Affairs Dental Scheme.

Dr Bailey currently serves on the Australian Dental Association as immediate Past President, and before this has held office as President, Treasurer and Country Councillor. He is on the Australian Dental Association Federal Council and has always been keen to give back to the profession that has been his life. He has tutored young dentists at the Oral Health Centre in Perth, which he has held for over 20 years.