BDS (Adel), GradCertClinDent (Adel), General Dentist
Dr Roshanak Amrein is a female General Dentist.
Dr Roshanak Amrein is the principal of Adelaide Cosmetic Dentistry. After graduating from The University of Adelaide in 2000, Dr Amrein worked in private practices in Australia and the UK and continues her dental education through numerous courses and study clubs which included completion of a Graduate Certificate in Clinical Dentistry in 2005 from University of Adelaide. She is registered with the Dental Board of South Australia, and is a member of Australian Dental Association as well as Australian Prosthodontics Society. She takes part in CEREC and Implant Study groups and is passionate about educating other dentists in the use of Computerised and Laser dentistry. Roshanak enjoys the artistic side of dentistry and takes pride in providing excellent results and a high level of patient satisfaction. She is a firm believer in actively involving her patients in the process of decision making and treatment planning.
Dr Amrein is also an advocate of human rights, women’s rights and environmental awareness. She expresses this in creative writing. Her books of poetry, One Million Flights and Songs from a Far Island, are available from Dymocks Rundle Mall in Adelaide.